AACCI (Association of Adolescent and Child Care in India) is a Voluntary Association working for holistic mental and physical health of adolescents and children, THROUGH PARENTS AND TEACHERS WHO ARE THE MAIN PILLARS OF THEIR WELLBEING.

We have our Registered office in Mumbai and our branch offices in Pune and Delhi.
However we have working groups in many cities in India where we conduct our activities.

The core group consists of doctors from all specialties, educationists, engineers, karate experts, surgeons, research scientists, teachers, parents and family lawyers etc (More details can be seen in the section Core Faculty).

We all do this work on voluntary basis while continuing in our regular professional jobs.
This work is our passion and social commitment dedicated to the well-being of children and adolescents.

We have a 80 G certificate and accept donations. We also conduct workshops for generate income to sustain our activities. (For donation contact us)

We work in collaboration with many organizations which brings synergy to our work.
(More details can be seen in the section on collaborations.)

AACCI has been conducting multi centric research studies on :

1. Youth Behavior
2. Youth issues eg. Internet addiction, Life Style etc.
3. Screening for NCD ( Non communicable diseases)

We have presented our papers in International and National conferences and also won awards.

AACCI conduct many Workshops :

1. Life Skill education – LSE
2. Emotional well being
3. Learning parenting skills
4. Corporate programs on stress and anger managements

These workshop are not had as one time event but in collaboration with schools/collages to create master trainers and peer educators who will continue holding these programs as ongoing project over many years.

Master Trainer Workshops as commissioned (Invite for Workshop).